Flexible, portable and containerized 5G solutions with standardized and open interfaces.
Resource efficient, portable and high performance header compression software solutions, including the standards compliant and widely used Effnet ROHC™ Portfolio.
Effnet provides 5G Solutions for...
Many scenarios like public safety, disaster relief and emergency services, lawful interception etc. require a quick deployment of a cell or a network. Effnet 5G network-in-a-box is a fully containerized solution with standardized and open interfaces including the following components:
An operator or application provider can use its own 5G Core solution with Effnet 5G RAN solution or the following one or all its components to provide the services.
We are the global leader with unique expertise in network and link layer compression.
Effnet supplies the Effnet Header Compression product family aimed at saving the bandwidth and increasing the efficiency and reliability of communication links. The enablers of VoIP, the products are essential for efficient use of radio spectrum and available bandwidth. Effnet Header Compression products enhance quality of service and quality of experience on 5G, 4G/LTE, 3G as well as satellite, military and enterprise networks.
Our Effnet ROHC™ Portfolio is used in many applications, e.g. ROHC for LTE, ROHC for 5G, ROHC for CIoT EPS optimization and ROHC for satellite
Our Effnet Backhaul Header Compression™ (Effnet BHC™) is used on backhaul links and other tunnelling links where there are many levels of stacked headers including any combination of Ethernet compression, IP compression including IP-in-IP (4-in-4, 6-in-4, 6-in-6), MPLS compression, GRE compression, UDP compression, TCP compression etc.
The Effnet Header Compression product family
The Effnet team has a long experience in standardization and development of header compression technology and products. It is focused on delivering quality and value in all stages of client interaction. A large client base across many markets and applications is the testimony to our quality of products and services.
An example of header compression by Effnet ROHC™